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Phonegap SQLite 3

I need a way to use SQLite 3 without a quota with Phonegap. I have looked at several plugins but they lack good documentation and none of them say they work with Phonegap 2.0 (1.5+ is touted on most of the plugins).

Furthermore, I don't want to have to set a quota. I need to be able to store gigs of information if necessary in the application. Does anyone know of a good framework like Phonegap? Everything needs to be 100% HTML/CSS/JS.

Right now our product is running an AngularJS front-end with a node.js backend on the server and on our AppJS deployment (native on the desktop). We need an equivalent for mobile devices, but I am afraid that Phonegap may be a mistake. Database access is really the most important piece of the puzzle, more than code reuse and portability. We want to be able to port the same front end across every platform without having to write any code.


  • To the best of my knowledge, nothing currently exists which fits your requirements of storing "gigs of information." This is because browsers are limited to 5-10mb of information (see, and that is what PhoneGap is.

    To solve this problem you would have to write a plugin for each device. While they would share the same interface, the underlying code would be different.