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Slipping out of the list item to the right without centering

I need the item of the list isn't centered but moved to the right.


How it looks now ( normal state / hover state):


I need:


without js, if possible.



    Hope this helps.. With what you are doing, Java script would probably be best. But if you want to do it with css, the alternate is above.

    Width of .item + margin & padding & borders of li * amount of lis / 2 = margin-left: -Your margin;

    .wrapper { width:100%; height:50px; border: 1px dashed blue; }
    .wrapper ul { height:100%; position:relative; margin-left:-56px; /*your margin*/ left:50%; padding: 0; display:block; list-style: none; overflow:hidden;  }
    .wrapper ul li { position: relative; float: left; max-width: 50px; overflow: hidden; height:100%; margin: 0 3px; border: 1px dashed red; }
    .wrapper ul li:hover { cursor: pointer; max-width:100%; }
    .item { height:100%; width:50px; background-color: blue; position: relative; float: left; }
    .item-name { margin-left: 65px; width: auto; color: green; overflow: visible; z-index: 2; font-size: 20px; }