I have a simple applet that I have created in JDeveloper 11g R1, deploying to Weblogic server 10.3. This applet has a dependency of ojdbc6.jar. I am deploying as a war file.
When I deploy and browse to the html page the applet loads but I get the following exception:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jdbc/pool/OracleDataSource
I can see the ojdbc6.jar in the WEB-INF/lib folder when I expand the .war file.
The HTML of the applet page is as follows:
<APPLET CODE="com.test.Applet" ARCHIVE="ojdbc6.jar" HEIGHT="800" WIDTH="625" ALIGN="bottom">This browser does not support Applets.</APPLET>
Is there a way to get JDeveloper to deploy so that my dependencies are actually accessible by the server?
If you are using an applet then the JDBC jar needs to be included in the applet JAR, not in the web project WAR.