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Correct XML to send for cache web service SOAP header

I created a simple header class:

Class Sample.Headers Extends %SOAP.Header
    Parameter NAMESPACE = "";
    Property UserName As %String;

In the web service I made sure to set the correct namespace in the SOAPHEADERS parameter:

Parameter SOAPHEADERS = "UserName:Sample.Headers";

I send the following XML using SoapUI:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:tem="">
       <tem:UserName>This is the header</tem:UserName>

I get the following error:

ERROR #6254: Tag expected, XML input, This is the header, is not in proper format as child of UserName (ending at line 3 character 18).

What is the correct format for the XML so that UserName is set correctly?


  • Just needed to change:

    Property UserName As %String;


    Property UserName As %String(XMLPROJECTION = "CONTENT", MAXLEN = 50);