I am doing image manipulation on the png images. I have the following problem. After saving an image with imwrite() function, the size of the image is increased. For example previously image is 847KB, after saving it becomes 1.20 MB. Here is a code. I just read an image and then save it, but the size is increased. I tried to set compression params but it doesn't help.
Mat image;
image = imread("5.png", -1);
vector<int> compression_params;
What could be a problem? Any help please. Thanks.
PNG has several options that influence the compression: deflate compression level (0-9), deflate strategy (HUFFMAN/FILTERED), and the choice (or strategy for dynamically chosing) for the internal prediction error filter (AVERAGE, PAETH...). It seems OpenCV only lets you change the first one, and it hasn't a good default value for the second. So, it seems you must live with that.
Update: looking into the sources, it seems that compression strategy setting has been added (after complaints), but it isn't documented. I wonder if that source is released. Try to set the option CV_IMWRITE_PNG_STRATEGY with Z_FILTERED and see what happens
See the linked source code for more details about the params.