I have a an image of size 180x220 containing some noise in the region for example (145:180,1:65).
My question is how to remove the noise in this region without affecting the other parts of the image using Matlab.
Thank you very much.
Edit: I want to remove the noise in the regions (1:146,1:25) and (1:15,25,174) from the following image:
In general, this would go something like
% filter image in-place
img(145:180, 1:65) = medfilt2(img(145:180, 1:65));
Note that most filters require some context of the region of interest to do a proper interpolation/averaging/etc., so you might want to take this approach:
% Note: increase ROI by 10 on each side
offset = 10;
img_tmp = img(145-offset : 180+offset, 1 : 65+offset);
% apply filter
img_tmp = medfilt2(img_tmp, [additional parameters]);
% put filtered image back in its proper place
img(145:180, 1:65) = img_tmp(offset:end-offset+1, 1:end-offset+1);