I have to install a few libraries in my Raspberry Pi but I cannot connect it to the internet. Is it possible to download them in a windows pc (even linux is fine) and copy them to the raspberry pi so that I can make an offline install. How is this possible?
These are the libraries I need
sudo apt-get install i2c-tools
sudo apt-get install python-smbus
I would also like to install this program to make it a http server
sudo apt-get install lighttpd
I would like to download all this to windows and then copy them to the raspberry pi where I can install them. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Sure ,I assume you are running ubuntu in Raspberry. Download the deb into Raspberry and run following command in the terminal
dpkg -i file_to_install.deb
full cheat sheet of dpkg http://www.cyberciti.biz/howto/question/linux/dpkg-cheat-sheet.php
but there is great chance the deb packages requires other dependency packages to proceed installation. I strongly suggest using a internet connection.