How can I move/copy a file from D:\WindowsImageBackup\ to D:\Included\ if it's a Sunday or delete D:\Included\ if it's any other day?
The scenario is: An automatic backup to a remote server runs once a day. I want a certain file to be backed up only once a week, on a Sunday (it's the Windows image backup). I have excluded the folder where the file lives (D:\WindowsImageBackup).
You can do it pretty easily:
setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
set dow=%date:~0,3%
if "%dow%" equ "Sun" xcopy /y "D:\WindowsImageBackup\*.* "D:\Included\" & goto eof
echo del "D:\Included\*.*" /y
Note that this works only if your system language is English, as it does a literal comparison of the day part of Date
against the value Sun
, and of course isn't localized.
Also, see my comment to your question about this perhaps being better for a scheduled task (as errors would stop it and write to the Event Log).