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Generate unique random strings

I am writing a very small URL shortener with Dancer. It uses the REST plugin to store a posted URL in a database with a six character string which is used by the user to access the shorted URL.

Now I am a bit unsure about my random string generation method.

sub generate_random_string{
    my $length_of_randomstring = shift; # the length of 
                                        # the random string to generate

    my @chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_');
    my $random_string;
        # rand @chars will generate a random 
        # number between 0 and scalar @chars
        $random_string.=$chars[rand @chars];

    # Start over if the string is already in the Database
    generate_random_string(6) if database->quick_select('urls', { shortcut => $random_string });

    return $random_string;

This generates a six char string and calls the function recursively if the generated string is already in the DB. I know there are 63^6 possible strings but this will take some time if the database gathers more entries. And maybe it will become a nearly infinite recursion, which I want to prevent.

Are there ways to generate unique random strings, which prevent recursion?

Thanks in advance


  • We don't really need to be hand-wavy about how many iterations (or recursions) of your function there will be. I believe at every invocation, the expected number of iterations is geomtrically distributed (i.e. number of trials before first success is governed by the geomtric distribution), which has mean 1/p, where p is the probability of successfully finding an unused string. I believe that p is just 1 - n/63^6, where n is the number of currently stored strings. Therefore, I think that you will need to have stored 30 billion strings (~63^6/2) in your database before your function recurses on average more than 2 times per call (p = .5).

    Furthermore, the variance of the geomtric distribution is 1-p/p^2, so even at 30 billion entries, one standard deviation is just sqrt(2). Therefore I expect ~99% of the time that the loop will take fewerer than 2 + 2*sqrt(2) interations or ~ 5 iterations. In other words, I would just not worry too much about it.