I'm messing around in Batch and I'm wondering...
Can someone help me write to a file (Doc1.txt
or Doc1.doc
) then read it, set it to a variable. Changed and saved if needed? And have more then one password in a single file?
I've heard it's possible to read to a file, but I can't seem to get it work. I put the following.
FOR /F %i IN (Test1.txt) DO Echo %i
I get the error:
IN is not excepted at this time.
Any help will be loved. Thank you!
For example. Say I was making a log in thingy. Someone can create a new account, make a password, change it, etc etc.
this is relatively simple. use the echo command, set /p, and the less than and greater than signes.
to save something to a file, do
echo %variablename%> Filename.extension
to read something from a file into a variable, do
set /p variablename= < filename.extension