Following code gives me numberformatexception. can you please tell me where to put exepcions or what to do about following lines? logcat tells that there is a problem on commented line
public void zaplatiti(){
EditText zbrojka = (EditText) findViewById(;
Float[] strings = new Float[allTexts.size()];
Float zbroj=(float) 0;
for(int i=0; i < allTexts.size(); i++){
strings[i] = Float.valueOf(allTexts.get(i).getText().toString());////problem
for (int k=0;k<strings.length;k++){
zbroj =zbroj+ strings[k];}
for(int i=0; i < allTexts.size(); i++){
try {
strings[i] = Float.valueOf(allTexts.get(i).getText().toString());////problem
catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// Code to execute if the entered value is not a number
This is also possible to avoid by only allowing your EditTexts to have numerical values. That will force the user to only enter a numerical value in the first place, then you don't have to catch the exception. But then you should check if the entered text is empty first.
For doing this you must make an if
statement, but the correct comparison beetween String values is:
if ( mEditText.getText().toString().equals("String to compare with")){ ... }
the "numerical mode" of an editText
could be set up in the XML file as:
android:inputType = "number"
Other valid numerical modes are numberSigned
and numberDecimal
So after changing the input type your code could look like:
for(int i=0; i < allTexts.size(); i++){
if (!allTexts.get(i).getText().toString().equals("")) {
strings[i] = Float.valueOf(allTexts.get(i).getText().toString());////problem
else {
// Code to execute if there is no entered value