We are developing multiple apps for our client which all can be used using same credentials(credentials of there company portal). So we want to implement something like single sign on, such that user need not to login each app. I have already gone through these links http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/live/hh826544.aspx
Here is what i need exactly:
step 1.) When user login to one app(say App1), the portal will return a token, ineed to store this token somewhere, such that only authorized apps can access this. Step 2.) when any other app(of same group) launches it will check on the location for the token and if token exists, it will not demand for credentials. Step.3) When user logs out from any app, it will remove the token from shared location.
We have already implemented this in IOS using keychain(possibly wrong term as i am not ios developer).This keychain provides a common space for the apps signed with same certificate.
As per my knowledge uptill windows phone 7.5 there is no possibility. Does windows Phone 8 has something for this. If not i am open to any kind of suggestions to serve the purpose.
P.S. : Security is our major concern, So when you suggest please let us know you think there could be any security concers though hack or phone loss.
Thanks a lot..
I hope to be corrected but this won't work. Apps are isolated and can't share things like data packets and such.