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Create typolink with parameters and custom name within COA

I want to create a typolink from the current page but with other name and some additional GET parameter. E.g.

<a href="" title="My custom title">My custom name</a>

This is my code which only prints out a text with MyCustomName.

lib.tsfooter >
lib.tsfooter = COA
lib.tsfooter {
  10 = TEXT
  10.value (
   <!-- some HTML code-->

  20 = TEXT
  20.value = MyCustomName
  20.stdWrap.typolink {
    data = TSFE:id
    addQueryString = 1
    addQueryString.method = get
    additionalParams = &myCustomParameter=1

What I'm doing wrong?


  • lib.tsfooter >
    lib.tsfooter = COA
    lib.tsfooter {
      10 = TEXT
      10.value (
       <!-- some HTML code-->
      20 = TEXT
      20.value = MyCustomName
      # you do not need "stdWrap" as pgampe mentioned, but it will work even with stdWrap
      20.stdWrap.typolink {
        # parameter was missing = TSFE:id
        addQueryString = 1
        addQueryString.method = get
        additionalParams = &myCustomParameter=1