I'm trying to use backbone for a local project that's never going to see a real web server, and which interacts with the Yelp API via AJAX. The Yelp API requires we use oauth to authenticate, and gives sample code that I've modeled my own code after. When I use the sample code, I don't run into any problems with Cross-Origin or anything. However, when I turn off my browser security options I just get a 400 response for errors.
I had tried overwriting the fetch method as follows:
fetch: function(options) {
var accessor, message, parameterMap, parameters;
if (!options) {
options = {};
accessor = {
consumerSecret: LOAF.auth.conserumerSecret,
tokenSecret: LOAF.auth.accessTokenSecret
parameters = [];
parameters.push(['oauth_consumer_key', LOAF.auth.consumerKey]);
parameters.push(['oauth_consumer_secret', LOAF.auth.consumerSecret]);
parameters.push(['oauth_token', LOAF.auth.accessToken]);
parameters.push(['oauth_signature_method', 'HMAC-SHA1']);
parameters.push(['location', "New York City"]);
message = {
'action': this.url,
'method': 'GET',
'parameters': parameters
OAuth.SignatureMethod.sign(message, accessor);
parameterMap = OAuth.getParameterMap(message.parameters);
parameterMap.oauth_signature = OAuth.percentEncode(parameterMap.oauth_signature);
options.url = this.url;
options.data = parameterMap;
options.cache = true;
options.dataType = 'json';
options.success = this.onResponse;
return Backbone.Model.prototype.fetch.apply(this, options);
but this generates the 400 response. I have a feeling its because I'm not making the AJAX call properly because backbone does most of it for me and is likely overwriting some of the options I'm setting. I think what I need to do is overwrite this collection's "sync" method instead to just handle the OAuth and parse the response myself. Is there a better way to do this?
I'm not sure if this is the proper way to do things, but it works this way, so here's my solution. I override fetch and never call the default fetch method. Instead I make an ajax call in the fetch method, and have an onResponse
method that handles the response, creating the models (Yelp Businesses) for the response. Hope this helps anyone in the same position.
LOAF.YelpList = Backbone.Collection.extend({
model: LOAF.Business,
url: 'http://api.yelp.com/v2/search?',
fetch: function(options) {
var accessor, message, parameterMap, parameters;
if (!options) {
options = {};
accessor = {
consumerSecret: LOAF.auth.consumerSecret,
tokenSecret: LOAF.auth.accessTokenSecret
parameters = [];
parameters.push(['callback', 'cb']);
parameters.push(['oauth_consumer_key', LOAF.auth.consumerKey]);
parameters.push(['oauth_consumer_secret', LOAF.auth.consumerSecret]);
parameters.push(['oauth_token', LOAF.auth.accessToken]);
parameters.push(['oauth_signature_method', 'HMAC-SHA1']);
parameters.push(['location', "New York City"]);
message = {
'action': this.url,
'method': 'GET',
'parameters': parameters
OAuth.SignatureMethod.sign(message, accessor);
parameterMap = OAuth.getParameterMap(message.parameters);
parameterMap.oauth_signature = OAuth.percentEncode(parameterMap.oauth_signature);
options.url = this.url;
options.data = parameterMap;
options.cache = true;
options.dataType = 'jsonp';
options.jsonpCallback = 'cb';
options.success = this._onResponse;
options.context = this;
return $.ajax(options);
_onResponse: function(data, textStats, xhr) {
var _this = this;
return _.each(data.businesses, function(business) {
var busModel;
if (!_this.get(business.id)) {
busModel = new LOAF.Business(business);
return _this.add(busModel);
Two things to note: