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Polyline bound to ObservableList<Point> doesn't refresh

I have a class (let's call it externalClass) with a ObservableCollection<Point> channel1 inside. (the class itself does NOT implements INotify)

In the MainWindow I have a polyline binded to this externalClass.channel1 that uses a converter from ObservableCollection to PointCollection.

So from the C# I bind DataContext = externalClass; and in the XAML the polyline looks like:

<Polyline Points="{Binding channel1, Converter={StaticResource pointCollectionConverter}}" Stroke="#FF00E100" Name="line" />

I have a test function that works like that:

public void test()
   ObservableCollection<Point> newone = new ObservableCollection<Point>();
   for (int i = 0; i < debugCh1.Count; i++)
      Point p1 = debugCh1[i];
      p1.Y = p1.Y + 1;
   channel1= newone;

If I add a breakpoint in the converter itself I can see that on start-up it is called (and actually the initial values (hard-coded) are displayed. But when I add the test function to a button .. it does nothing (the converter is not called)

Any idea idea of where the notification of the changes is being stopped ???


After reading the answers and googleling a bit more I came out with the soulition. Id like to post it there for everybody else

So .. The so-called externalClass must inherit from INotifyPropertyChanged and it must implement NotifyPropertyChanged So all and all it must be declared like that:

public class externalClass  : INotifyPropertyChanged
    // at some point you have your ObservableCollection<smth> as a property 
    public ObservableCollection<Point> channel1 { get; set; }
    //at some point you implement NotifyPropertyChanged
    public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
    private void NotifyPropertyChanged(string caller)
        if (PropertyChanged != null)
            PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(caller));
   //then whenever you need to fire the notification
   [..]do something with channel1

And that's all. If you add a proper binding (as the one I showed in my question) the whole set up is gonna work.. At least mine worked hehehe

Good luck! And thanks to the people that helped me !! :D


  • Polyline Points probably does not listen to INotifyCollectionChanged when bound. Try exposing Channel1 as a property and raise the INotifyPropertyChanged with "Channel1"