I am trying to create a wrapper for certain Types used in my program. I also want all of these types to have a compare Method by implementing the trait Ordered[T]. I am having a problem making a compare method that determines that the type being compared implicitly implements Ordred[T].
Current Attempt:
case class Value[T](someType: T) extends Ordered[T] {
def matches(otherType: T): Boolean = {
if(someType.getClass == otherType.getClass)
else false
override def toString() = {
def compare(other: T): Int = {
implicitly[Ordered[T]] compare other
object Value {
implicit def intVal(some: Int) = new Value[Int](some) {
def compare(other: Int): Int = someType compare other
implicit def doubleVal(some: Double) = new Value[Double](some) {
def compare(other: Double): Int = someType compare other
implicit def stringVal(some: String) = new Value[String](some) {
def compare(other: String): Int = someType compare other
implicit def boolVal(some: Boolean) = new Value[Boolean](some) {
def compare(other: Boolean): Int = someType compare other
implicit def dateVal(some: Date) = new Value[Date](some) {
def compare(other: Date): Int = someType.compareTo(other)
This is the structure I would like but I keep getting the error:
Could not find value for implicit parameter e: Ordered[T]
Is there some syntax that I'm missing?
is not a typeclass, but a trait
, that classes or other traits inherit from to be orderable. So you can't implicitly get an instance of Ordered
. You have to modify your type parameter to make shure, that A
extends Ordered[A]
or can be viewed as one (<%
is a view bound and means there exists an implicit conversion from A
to Ordered[A]
) and then you can simply call compare
case class Value[A <% Ordered[A]](value: A) extends Ordered[Value[A]] {
def compare(other: Value[A]) = value compare other.value