I have user table and user_group table. A single user can be in multiple group. I have two groups admin and user. Admin group has group id 1 and user group has group id 2. As I select from joining these two table. I would like to select it using join between two table:
select * from users u
join user_groups ug
on u.user_id = ug.user_id;
I get Admin two times in each row. I would like to eliminate other row for admin with group id as user i.e 1 in this query how can I achieve this? The sqlfiddle is here. Group related information is in all_groups table.
Assuming that you want to keep the row with the largest group_id
select *
from (select u.user_id,
rank() over (partition by ug.user_id
order by ug.group_id desc) rnk
from users u
join user_groups ug
on u.user_id = ug.user_id)
where rnk = 1;
should work. Here is the sqlfiddle