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Can an SQL procedure return a table?

Can an Oracle SQL procedure return a table? I'm currently using a dbms_output to print out the outputs of two cursors which are in a loop, although this would look nicer if it was returning two columns instead. Would that be possible within a procedure?


  • A PL/SQL function can return a nested table. Provided we declare the nested table as a SQL type we can use it as the source of a query, using the the TABLE() function.

    Here is a type, and a nested table built from it:

    SQL> create or replace type emp_dets as object (
      2  empno number,
      3  ename varchar2(30),
      4  job varchar2(20));
      5  /
    Type created.
    SQL> create or replace type emp_dets_nt as table of emp_dets;
      2  /
    Type created.

    Here is a function which returns that nested table ...

    create or replace function get_emp_dets (p_dno in emp.deptno%type)
        return emp_dets_nt
        return_value emp_dets_nt;
        select emp_dets(empno, ename, job)
        bulk collect into return_value
        from emp
        where deptno = p_dno;
        return return_value;

    ... and this is how it works:

    SQL> select * 
      2  from table(get_emp_dets(10))
      3  /
         EMPNO ENAME                          JOB
    ---------- ------------------------------ --------------------
          7782 CLARK                          MANAGER
          7839 KING                           PRESIDENT
          7934 MILLER                         CLERK

    SQL Types offer us a great deal of functionality, and allow us to build quite sophisticated APIs in PL/SQL. Find out more.