Using Java as a programming language , i have this question regards how to send an object from Corba client to Corba server noting that i am using POA and the following idl file :-
// BackupServer.idl
#ifndef BackupServer_idl
#define BackupServer_idl
interface BackupDaemon;
#include "BackupExceptions.idl"
typedef sequence<BackupDaemon> BackupDaemonList;
interface BackupDaemon {
attribute string backupDaemonUser;
attribute string backupDaemonIP;
attribute string backupDaemonHostName;
attribute string backupDaemonBackupType;
attribute string backupDaemonType;
attribute string backupDaemonTime;
attribute string backupDaemonPath;
attribute boolean backupDaemonScheduled;
attribute long backupDaemonPort;
attribute string backupDaemonMacAddress;
typedef sequence<string> BackupPathesStrings;
boolean startBackup(
in BackupPathesStrings backupPathes,
in string backupDaemonMacAddress );
void deleteBackup(
in string backupPathes,
in string backupDaemonMacAddress ) raises (BackupPathNotFoundException);
interface BackupServer {
boolean registerBackupDaemon( in BackupDaemon bd )
raises (InvalidBackupDaemonException);
boolean unRegisterBackupDaemon(in string backupDaemonMacAddress)
raises (InvalidBackupDaemonException);
BackupDaemonList getBackupDeamons();
Thanks in advance
The only "true" object sent on the wire with CORBA is ValueType otherwise "references" may be exchanged and more simple structured raw data as "struct" and "union".
Migrate a CORBA server from one location to another isn't trivial and not directly feasible but may be achieved with a complex deployment.