I have a problem an hope to find any solution for it.
I am using Kinetic.js to create a HMI solution with special look-and-feel. Therefor I have created a function that creates 3 layers for a stage: a background layer with a grid, a layer with static shapes for the base layout of the HMI-screen and the third layer for all interactive elements (like buttons, valuedisplays and so on...). Now I want to cache the grid and the static layer to improve performance, because this layers will never change until the whole HMI-screen will change...
As a test I started to code the caching for the grid layer using the following code:
// Create a grid layer if showGrid is set to TRUE...
console.log('Start to create background grid if required');
if (this.actualPageConfig.showGrid) {
var grid = new Kinetic.Layer();
for (var x=1; x <= this.cols; x++) {
var eLoc = LCARSElements.posToRealPos(x, 1, this.cols, this.rows);
if (x <= this.actualPageConfig.columns) {
grid.add(new Kinetic.Line({
points: [eLoc.x, eLoc.y, eLoc.x, eLoc.height],
stroke: "red",
strokeWidth: 1,
lineCap: "round",
lineJoin: "round"
for (var y=1; y <= this.rows; y++) {
var eLoc = LCARSElements.posToRealPos(1, y, this.cols, this.rows);
if (y <= this.actualPageConfig.rows) {
grid.add(new Kinetic.Line({
points: [eLoc.x, eLoc.y, eLoc.width, eLoc.y],
stroke: "red",
strokeWidth: 1,
lineCap: "round",
lineJoin: "round"
// Add grid layer to stage
//this.stage.add(grid); <-- to be replaced by cache image
// Convert grid into an image and add this to the stage
console.log('convert grid to image to increase performance');
width: displayManager.stage.getWidth(),
height: displayManager.stage.getHeight(),
callback: function(img) {
var cacheGrid = new Kinetic.Image({
image: img,
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: displayManager.stage.getWidth(),
height: displayManager.stage.getHeight()
console.log('insert grid-image to stage');
console.log('redraw stage...');
My problem is, that's not working. The grid is not visible any more and the console log shows the following error information:
Type error: layer.canvas is undefined
layer.canvas.setSize(this.attrs.width, this.attrs.height); kinetic.js (Zeile 3167)
As I already figured out the error rise when the code "displayManger.stage.add(cacheGrid) will be executed (displayManager is the outside-class where this code snipped reside). Can anyone see where I made the mistake? When I directly add the layer grid anything works fine...
I have created a jsfiddle to demonstrate the problem: jsfiddle
In fiddle you can run both versions by changing one parameter. Hope this helps....
Thanks for help.
Best regards Thorsten
Actually, the problem is simpler than you might think - after caching the layer into an image, you're trying to add an image object directly to the stage (you can't do that).
To fix the problem, you need to create a new layer, say cahcedLayer, add the image to cachedLayer, and then add cachedLayer to the stage.
Check out the KineticJS info page to learn more about Node nesting: