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I need an easy way to detect CSS3 media query support using jquery

I need a quick and dirty way to detect media query support using jquery. I defined a function as follows:

function mediaQueriesEnabled () {
   var v = parseFloat($.browser.version);
   if ($.browser.msie) {
      if (v < 9)
         return (false);
   return (true);

Can someone help me fix this up a bit? Looking at this page:

I realized that there are some complexities here. For example, when I test my version of safari, I get "534.57.2". I want to avoid installing modernizr for now, mainly because I'm in a crunch and I need to handle most situations in the short term. Any help is appreciated!


  • You can create a stylesheet with a media query and see if it works.

    In your HTML:

    <style>@media all and (min-width:1px) {
        .mediatest {position:absolute}

    (Or you could dynamically create the stylesheet, but that's harder)

    Then in your script:

    var d = document.createElement('div');
    d.className = "mediatest";
    if( window.getComputedStyle && window.getComputedStyle(d).position == "absolute") {
        // supports media queries!