I have checked on Using custom services or liferay services in liferay themes (velocity templates)?
and Custom Methods are working fine as they are. But I have some specific requirement.
Please let me know if you know how to pass PortletSession object or RenderRequest to Custom method.
I have tried to create the following interface:
package com.myTool;
import javax.portlet.PortletSession;
import javax.portlet.RenderRequest;
public interface MyTest{
public String getUserCountry(PortletSession portletSession);
public String getUserCountry(RenderRequest request);
In class that implements interface I have the following methods:
public String getUserCountry(PortletSession portletSession) {
try {
return "Success";
catch (Exception e) {
return "exception-portletSession";
public String getUserCountry(RenderRequest request) {
try {
return "Success request";
catch (Exception e) {
return "exception-renderRequest";
I have tried the following ways with no luck:
#set($currentProfileUtil = $utilLocator.findUtil("myportlets-1.0-SNAPSHOT", "com.myTool.MyTest"))
#set($result = $currentProfileUtil.getUserCountry($request.getAttribute("javax.portlet.response")))
#set($currentProfileUtil = $utilLocator.findUtil("myportlets-1.0-SNAPSHOT", "com.myTool.MyTest"))
#set($result = $currentProfileUtil.getUserCountry($request.get("portlet-session")))
#set($currentProfileUtil = $utilLocator.findUtil("myportlets-1.0-SNAPSHOT", "com.myTool.MyTest"))
#set($result = $currentProfileUtil.getUserCountry($request.getSession()))
#set($currentProfileUtil = $utilLocator.findUtil("myportlets-1.0-SNAPSHOT", "com.myTool.MyTest"))
#set($result = $currentProfileUtil.getUserCountry($request.getSession()))
P.S. Please do not say "why do you need this?" - just provide any ideas on how to send PortletSession or any object from which PortletSession can be retrieved. Thanks
Answer was provided on Liferay Forum (this is not PortletSession but HttpSession, but that was OK for my case):
http://www.liferay.com/web/raymond.auge/blog/-/blogs/6051129 (comment from Ray Augé dated 11/30/12 9:54 AM)
In my case (from original question), solution was the following:
#set($serviceContext = $portal.getClass().forName("com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContextThreadLocal").getServiceContext())
#set($currentProfileUtil = $utilLocator.findUtil("myportlets-1.0-SNAPSHOT", "com.myTool.MyTest"))
#set($result = $currentProfileUtil.getUserCountry($serviceContext.getSession()))
Hope that will help other people as well