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Why i am getting this weird 500 error on a shared free server

I have a project(idea) I've been developing my idea about 2 months and i am ready to release beta version of my application online.

Here is the thing my project 100% works fine in my 'localhost' sever; and i have done my best to code standard. About an hour ago i upload my project on a free host server
for online testing. there is a weird '500' error, i have tried to track it so i start from beginning by putting "die()" statement in my codes. my project architecture is based on MVC model so every request gets pass through the /public_html/default.php file

I put a die('test') statement in the 1st line of my /public_html/default.php the obvious result is that for every request the test statement will flush-out and the php interpreter halts.

The problem is: The result of this link

is different from this one

Also i have viewed my site's log file but there was no error related to why i am getting this weird 500 error

WHY and How can i solve this to run my online testing?

Thanks in advance.

The top part of my /public_html/default.php file is something like this(NOW) :






  • If You go for there is no error. My guess is that your hosting doesn't offer mod_rewrite but You should double check Your .htaccess