Let us suppose that we have a string representing a binary fraction such as:
As a decimal number this is 0.5. Is there a standard way in Python to go from such strings to a number type (whether it is binary or decimal is not strictly important).
For an integer, the solution is straightforward:
int("101", 2)
int() takes an optional second argument to provide the base, but float() does not.
I am looking for something functionally equivalent (I think) to this:
def frac_bin_str_to_float(num):
"""Assuming num to be a string representing
the fractional part of a binary number with
no integer part, return num as a float."""
result = 0
ex = 2.0
for c in num:
if c == '1':
result += 1/ex
ex *= 2
return result
I think that does what I want, although I may well have missed some edge cases.
Is there a built-in or standard method of doing this in Python?
The following is a shorter way to express the same algorithm:
def parse_bin(s):
return int(s[1:], 2) / 2.**(len(s) - 1)
It assumes that the string starts with the dot. If you want something more general, the following will handle both the integer and the fractional parts:
def parse_bin(s):
t = s.split('.')
return int(t[0], 2) + int(t[1], 2) / 2.**len(t[1])
For example:
In [56]: parse_bin('10.11')
Out[56]: 2.75