I'm using storyboard. I've been getting errors the past two weeks trying to get a custom page view controller to work http://www.wannabegeek.com/?p=168. I finally figured out that this particular method does not work with auto layout.
So now I'm stuck, Is there a way to have the views resize to iphone 5, I have looked up different methods, but it seems that they are optimized for xibs (which i'm not using).
At the very least, how would I remove support for iphone 5, because now when I run the iphone 5 simulator, all the pixels are added to the left which off centers my app :(
It is going to depend on exactly what you are wanting to do, but here is how I do it. In order to make my layout work with the iPhone 5, I measure from the bottom for any items that I want near the bottom of the screen:
CGRect settingsButtonFrame = CGRectMake(10, self.view.frame.size.height - 80, 26, 26);