i want to write a query with Full-Text-Search on a column with varbinary(max) type that stored a .doc/.docx(MS-Word) file. my query must returns records that contain a word in stored file.
is this possible?
if yes,how?(please write an example)
if yes,can we write that for other language(e.g Arabic,Persian or a UniCode characters)?
thank you beforehand.
What you're looking for is fulltext indexing, which has been greatly improved in SQL Server 2008.
For an introduction, I would recommend checking out these articles here:
Once you understand this and have created your own fulltext catalog, you should be able to search something like this:
SELECT ID, (other fields), DocumentColumn
FROM dbo.YourTable
WHERE CONTAINS(*, 'Microsoft Word')
And yes, Fulltext indexing and searching does support lots of languages - check out the links I've sent you and the SQL Server 2008 Books Online for details!