I am able to create a UIImage from a Core Animation layer using the following code:
- (UIImage*)contentsImage;
UIGraphicsBeginImageContext([self bounds].size);
[self renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return image;
This code is in my CALayer derived class. The issue I am running into is that I have two CAShapeLayers that are child layers of my layer that do not get rendered to the resulting image. If I add standard CALayers as children they get rendered fine. The Apple docs say:
Renders the receiver and its sublayers into the specified context.
It also says that it's been available since iPhone OS 2.0. Wondering if there is something I'm missing or if I should file a radar.
Any ideas what might keep the child CAShapeLayers from getting drawn to the image?
The CALayer machinery calls renderInContext to create its bitmapped contents property. But in a CAShapeLayer, the path property is not actually rendered to its contents as seen by this note in the header:
The shape as a whole is composited between the layer's contents and its first sublayer.
It stands to reason that renderInContext won't actually render the CAShapeLayer path onto your context. I haven't actually tried this out for myself however.