trying to use classic Wpf structure via AutoCompleteBox (not using ViewModel)
as i am new to WPF
and yet to acquire knowledge of MVVM
My Code For now :
for usage on this sample code, source file should be - tab separated,each line would be as follows:
a line No' (only for reference), tab separation , value for AutoComplete.
Main declaration - window
// this happens to be a borderless - window with custom buttons
<Window x:Class="AllDayWpf.MainWindow" Icon="/AllDayWpf;component/bin/Debug/ScheduledTICON.png"
Title="Daily Tasks Srv-2" Height="555" Width="731"
AllowsTransparency="True" Background="{x:Null}">
<DropShadowEffect Opacity="0.5" BlurRadius="5" ShadowDepth="5" />
a Grid within a TabItem (i guess rest is irrelevant):
<ListBox Name="LBX_AddTaskOptions" SelectionChanged="LBX_AddTaskOptions_SelectionChanged" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="19,29,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="125" FontWeight="Bold" Background="Beige">
<ListBoxItem Background="#9B6ADBCD" FontWeight="Bold" BorderBrush="#FF27AA27">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="internet" Width="74"></TextBlock>
<Image Source="Images\IE_BlackRed.png" Height="30"></Image>
<ListBoxItem Background="#9B6ADBCD" FontWeight="Bold" BorderBrush="#FF27AA27">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="Local Folder" Width="74"></TextBlock>
<Image Source="Images\Folder_Black.png" Height="30" Width="32"></Image>
<acb:AutoCompleteBox Name="UrlACBXml" ValueMemberPath="url" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Grid.Column="1" Width="296" Margin="150,23,0,156" Background="#FFEDF4AB">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding url}" FontWeight="Bold" Foreground="Black" Width="30"/>
that's where i needed the autoCompletebox To be placed.
initial Visibility = hiden.
then, if user selects item-internet, this ACB
Will turn To Visible.
(just the idea, not implemented here at this stage)
C# AutoComplete code.
public MainWindow()
MyUrlObsrvblCollcntFactory UrlObsrCollcntFctry= new MyUrlObsrvblCollcntFactory();
UrlACBXml.ItemsSource = UrlObsrCollcntFctry.AutComplObsrvblCllctn;
public class MyUrlObsrvblCollcntFactory
public class URLsSrcClss
public string url { get; set; }
String path = System.IO.Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory,"tst.txt");
string[] testit;
public ObservableCollection<URLsSrcClss> AutComplObsrvblCllctn { get; set; }
public MyUrlObsrvblCollcntFactory()
if (File.Exists(path))
testit = File.ReadLines(path).ToArray();
foreach (var item in testit)
var TabSeparatedItemArr = item.Split('\t');
this.AutComplObsrvblCllctn.Add( new URLsSrcClss { url = TabSeparatedItemArr[1] }
the problem is that when i have tested autoComplete i have used
ObservableCollection<URLsSrcClss> AutComplObsrvblCllctn = new ObservableCollection<URLsSrcClss>
new URLsSrcClss {url = "say yhoo..."},
new URLsSrcClss {url = ""},
it did work
though changing code to be generated out of a large data source is i guess what's breaking functionality. that's at least what i think for now.
any ideas what is wrong in my code?
it is working now I just made a mistake not initializing it properly the code above will not work , I've decided to leave it as a question..with my answer as well.. for future comers sake .
so any fresh developers that has WPF AutoCompleteBox implemetation issues could have this nice solution to solve the problem.
public ObservableCollection<URLsSrcClss> AutComplObsrvblCllctn = new ObservableCollection<URLsSrcClss>();
having said that, your welcome to share your thoughts, ideas,critics or tips...
so if you have any, please do comment it here.