Is it valid to use drawable-swdp- like drawable-sw720dp-xhdpi?
Below is my scenario: My Acer iconia tab A501 (10") has a resolution of 1280x800 and density mdpi(160dp). It is expected to take the resource from drawable-sw720dp-mdpi. But the resource is being taken from drawable-sw720dp-xhdpi.
I have following folders: drawable-sw720dp drawable-sw720dp-mdpi drawable-sw720dp-hdpi drawable-sw720dp-xhdpi
is this the way this qualifier is to be used?
or Is the density already considered while calculating the smallest width.So should i be having only one folder of the format: drawable-sw720dp
I had the same problem and tracked this down. I believe there was a bug in ICS (Android 4.0.3 for me) where non-XHDPI devices take XHDPI values. Because most XHDPI devices started off in Jelly Bean (Nexus 4, Nexus 10), qualifying the folders with -v16 at the end (instead of nothing or -v14) solves the problem. 10" non-XHDPI devices running Jelly Bean do not have this bug so it seems to work. This does mean any XHDPI devices pre-JB will be broken, but I'm okay taking that risk.