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Using null inside Coldfusion Array

I'm creating a array and need use null values

<cfset addLinha[1] = qEspecialidades.especialidade>
<cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#numColumnsAntes#">
    <cfset arrayAppend(addLinha,null)>
<cfset arrayAppend(addLinha,LSParseNumber(LSNumberFormat(AvgNota, "_.__")))>

<cfloop index="i" from="#numColumnsDepois#" to="#qEspecialidades.RecordCount#">
    <cfset arrayAppend(addLinha,null)>

I need a array something like this


But I haven't found how to append null.


  • ColdFusion does not have a null per se. Depending on what uses this variable, one or more of the following may be useful:

    • Use a javaNull: <cfset javaNull = javaCast( "null", 0 ) />
    • Use a blank: ""
    • Use an empty struct ie {}

    Ben Nadel has some comments on this too.