Prolog, recursive function: i want it to print the C with each element of the list for example: C=30 and [H|T]= [-9,-10,-30]
write(C), write(' with '), write(H), nl,
i check at the beginning that the head of the list is not empty. it gives me this output
30 with -9
30 with -10
30 with -30
(32 ms) no
this output is what i want but i dont want to get a 'no' at the end because this makes the parent function to fail as well! how can i remove it and put a 'yes' instead?
Simple way: just add a base case with the empty list.
myfunc(_, []) :- !.
write(C), write(' with '), write(H), nl,
?- myfunc(30, [1, 2, 3]).
30 with 1
30 with 2
30 with 3
I don't know if this is the best way to do that, but you didn't give us much details about your whole program, so I opted for a small modification of your predicate.