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Python regex speed - Greedy vs. non-greedy

I am making several regex substitutions in Python along the lines of


over many large documents. Obviously if I make the regex non-greedy (with a ?) it won't change what it matches (as \w != \s) but will it make the code run any faster? In other words, with non-greedy regexes does Python work its way from the first character matched onwards rather than from the end of the document back to that character, or is this a naive view?


  • Is this the pattern you implied?

    In [15]: s = 'some text   with \tspaces  between'
    In [16]: timeit re.sub(r'(\w)(\s+)(\w)', '\\1 \\3', s)
    10000 loops, best of 3: 30.5 us per loop
    In [17]: timeit re.sub(r'(\w)(\s+?)(\w)', '\\1 \\3', s)
    10000 loops, best of 3: 24.9 us per loop

    Seems to be a pretty small difference here. Only 5 microseconds with the non-greedy,

    Using a 500 word lorem-ipsum, with multiple mixed whitespace between every word, I get an 8 ms difference.