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AutoGeneratingColumn event in Infragistics xamgid or xamdatagrid?

I work with wpf & MVVM. I have a page with datagrid which is bound to a datatable from viewmodel . In datagrid auto generate column property is true . But I need some coulmns to be combo box . So i use AutoGeneratingColumn event of datagrid to achieve that. In code behind event method looks like this.

   private void DataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e)
       if (e.PropertyName == "Gender")
            var cb = new DataGridComboBoxColumn();
            cb.ItemsSource = (DataContext as EmpDetailsWindowViewModel).GenderDataTable.DefaultView;
            cb.DisplayMemberPath = "Name";
            cb.SelectedValuePath = "Code";
            cb.SelectedValueBinding = new Binding("Gender");
            e.Column = cb;

Now as per new requirement I have to use infragistics xamDatagrid or Xamgrid for filtering values and for some other features which infragistics grid provide . But I am not finding AutoGeneratingColumn event in both of the infragistics grids . How can achieve this functionality in infragistics grids?


  • In that case subscribe to the FieldLayoutInitialized event and write appropriate code logic.

    I just wrote this code:

    private void XamDataGrid_FieldLayoutInitialized_1(object sender,   Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.FieldLayoutInitializedEventArgs e)
            var comboGenderField = e.FieldLayout.Fields["Gender"];
            if (comboGenderField != null)
                var xamComboEditorStyle = new Style(typeof(XamComboEditor));
                var itemsProviderSetter = new Setter(XamComboEditor.ItemsProviderProperty,
                comboGenderField.Settings.EditorStyle = xamComboEditorStyle;
                comboGenderField.Settings.EditAsType = typeof (int);

    Refer this for more info: