I have a something that I want to encrypt and pass it via get in the URL, the value that I want to encrypt is something like '019230132_15/10/2012'(a number with a underline followed by a date in brazilian format), when I encrypt this value I get something like 'cMZns2q7U2vgD9t+zufUeKextc/WyuFB4WyVMQ=', but passing this via GET on the url is giving me problems cause the browser think that the '/' in the middle of the value is a directory separator, my encription algorithm is something like:
I don't even wanna know why this is happening, I just want some way that I can encrypt and decrypt a value, it doesn't have to be the seccurest way that has ever existed, because the information that i am giving does not worth the trouble of hacking it.
EDIT1:Using the PHP function urlencode is not working, I get a error 404 because the url_encode transforms '/' into '%2F', I think it is worth mention that I use mod_rewrite on my Apache
EDIT2: Managed to make urlencode work using it twice like urlencode(urlencode($value)), and decoding twice as well to get the original value
If you are creating the value in PHP (ie, passing the link from PHP to the browser in something like an a
tag), use PHP's urlencode first.
However, if you are using JavaScript, use javascript's escape functions, particularly encodeURIComponent