I'm getting an error in my .asp file, and I don't know how to solve this (I don't know ASP, it's an old project of my client, other developer did this). The error what i'm getting is the following:
ADODB.Field error '800a0bcd'
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
/br/grava_cadastro.asp, line 105
And the lines:
100 %>
101 <!--#include file="abrir_arquivo.asp"-->
102 <%
103 xip= Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
104 RS.Open "SELECT * from visitas where vi_data = date() and vi_ip='" & xip & "'",cn,3,3
105 xlink=rs("vi_link")
106 rs.close
It's blocking my signup form. Somebody know how to solve this? Thanks in advance!
Are you sure that you have records?
in line 105
you are asumming that the is a record, what if not?
why don't you add something like this:
if rs.eof = false then
end if
in the sql line you have this:
RS.Open "SELECT * from visitas where vi_data = date() and vi_ip='" & xip & "'",cn,3,3
but I am not sure if date()
should go like that, it should have '"& date() &"' or "& date() &"
(not remember if date is considered string or numeric)
it should be like this:
RS.Open "SELECT * from visitas where vi_data = '" & date() & "' and vi_ip='" & xip & "'",cn,3,3