Search code examples

MySQL: How to speed up this query (incl. subqueries)?

The index-page of my forum looks like this:

| Forum   | Topics | Answers |
| Forum A | 123    | 45678   | 
| Forum B | 345    | 23128   |
| Forum C | 567    |  2328   | 

Here's my SQL code that works so far but I think there must be a better solution:

SELECT f.`id`, f.`name`, f.`description`, f.`type`, 

      (SELECT COUNT(`id`) 
         FROM threads 
        WHERE `forum_id` = f.`id`) AS num_threads, 

      (SELECT COUNT(p.`id`) 
         FROM threads t, posts p 
        WHERE p.thread_id = 
          AND t.forum_id = AS num_posts 

  FROM `forums` f ORDER BY `position`

How would you speed up this query? Any alternatives to subqueries?

Thanks in advance!


  • Something like this, joining the basic select with a couple of subqueries with group by clauses (so they are executed once each, rather than once each per row)

      SELECT,, f.description, f.type, tc.RowCnt, ta.RowCnt
      FROM `forums` f 
      INNER JOIN (SELECT forum_id, COUNT(id) AS RowCnt FROM threads GROUP BY forum_id) tc
      INNER JOIN (SELECT forum_id, COUNT( AS RowCnt FROM threads t INNER JOIN posts p ON p.thread_id = GROUP BY forum_id) ta
      ORDER BY position

    You could likely improve this by doing one of the counts in the main select rather than the subselect (but it is late friday and I am tired!).