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How can I request a direction with waypoints (multiple locations) in the MapquestApi?

I was using Google Maps and for doing things like that I just needed to add the parameter WayPoints:,-69.9294914999045&destination=18.4804850999499,-69.932457299903&sensor=false&alternatives=true&waypoints=18.4543467001058,-69.9294914999045|18.4543467001058,-69.9294914999045|18.4779706000118,-69.9026079000905|18.4794135999982,-69.8832237999886|

But now I wanted to use MapQuest and I can't figure out how to do it.

I tried adding them in the Location parameter but it didnt work:,-69.9374951999635&to=18.4739507000195,-69.9658190000337&drivingStyle=2&highwayEfficiency=21.0&locations=18.4574500999879,-69.9374951999635|18.4574500999879,-69.9374951999635|18.4574500999879,-69.9374951999635|18.4641813000198,-69.937076299917|18.4801647000131,-69.9080942999572|18.4934515000205,-69.9272894002497|

Could you please help me with this subject?


  • When using the MapQuest Open Directions API, you need to specify multiple stops along a route like this, without pipes -- and use "&to=..." to add multiple stops between the &from= and final destination:,-104.999388&to=39.745940,-104.985805&to=39.734952,-104.989947

    The API also accepts JSON and XML input as well as Key/Value pairs.

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