I'm testing iOS application by using the automation framework named "Frank"
And there were some alert popped up in my application I need to cover.
I've wrote my feature file as below:
Scenario: I input wrong username and password, I should see the log failed alert. ... When I wait to see "Log failed" Then I touch the button marked "OK"
Unfortunately, this code won't work, although frank(cucumber) will mark the test step of touch "OK" button as Pass, but actually, the button won't be touched.
I have to do it like this:
Scenario: I input wrong username and password, I should see the log failed alert. ... When I wait to see "Log failed" #Wait for 1 sec in order to touch the button. And I wait for 1 second Then I touch the button marked "OK"
The comment above is probably correct - as for a different (better?) solution - depending on how comfortable you are with ruby, you could write your own step definition? Frank provides you the
method, which you could wrap around your touch the button code, to give you a longer implicit wait on the element. See here for some documentation: https://github.com/moredip/Frank/blob/master/gem/lib/frank-cucumber/wait_helper.rb