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ViewPager page effect

I need to make a view pager for a music app with this effect I am new to android developing. I got a link from stack, but its not helping fully.

Requirement : for a music app, i need to show a the album arts in a view pager. album art of current song at middle along with partially visible album arts of previous and next song on left/right side respectively at the same time.


  • You can set a negative page margin to make the side pages visible. Rest all properties are inherent in ViewPager. Just have a look at the implementation. Android ViewPager with previous and next pages visible?

    EDIT: With this you can achieve what you have mentioned. I don't know whats the problem? Default ViewPager has series of pages and with this above mentioned link you can see other pages too. Don't get confused by the pic on top of the link, the result will look more like your link though.