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Use Grep to find blocks of text between two phrases (including the phrases)

Is it possible to use grep to high lite all of the text starting with:

mutablePath = CGPathCreateMutable();

and ending with:

CGPathAddPath(skinMutablePath, NULL, mutablePath);

Where there is an arbitary amount of text in between those two phrases?

NOTE: I have to use grep because I'm using BBEdit.


  • You will need to use GNU grep:

    grep -oPz 'mutablePath = CGPathCreateMutable\(\);.*?(\n.*?)*.*?CGPathAddPath\(skinMutablePath, NULL, mutablePath\);' file

    If you don't have GNU grep, you could use pcregrep to achieve the same thing:

    pcregrep -M 'mutablePath = CGPathCreateMutable\(\);.*(\n|.)*CGPathAddPath\(skinMutablePath, NULL, mutablePath\);' file