I'm monitoring my node server with module measured, what I need is to aggregate the monitored stats to Graphite. This is getting me confused and frustrated. Trying to understand the Graphite guide be not going well at all, it's show a unix world command guide, im using windows. Trying to install the required components, but python command says no commands supported. Anyone has a good guide that is easily understand and supported for windows, much appreciated!
I don't know much about graphite on Windows, but it can be difficult to setup even on linux, so I wouldn't even try on Windows. It's complicated in part because graphite is actually composed of a few components that work together.
The easiest way I've found to get started with graphite is download and use a virtual machine image that's already been built. For example, there are some vagrant images that have graphite and statsd already.
Hosted graphite is another possiblity, but it's not terribly cheap depending on your data retention needs, and I'm not sure I understand the security model.
If you're willing to muddle through the installation, here's a screencast showing step by step how to do so. That obfuscurity blog is also very informative about graphite use in general.