I'm new to AWS. Can anyone point me in the right direction of how to update my app residing on multiple ec2 instances?
I found this answer: How do I update multiple EC2 instances that are load-balanced? which points to this article: http://linuxforlovers.wordpress.com/2009/04/11/sharing-amazon-elastic-block-store-among-multiple-instances/ The article has been updated and explains you can boot from EBS-backed AMIs that can have essentially unbounded size as of now.
Does this mean instead of having a ebs instance that I can update with my app, I can load the app on an ec2 instance, create an ami saved to an ebs volume, then boot from EBS-backed ami?
Does this mean I set my launch configuration to ebs volume with the ami as opposed to just an ami?
In essence my question is, how do I update my app that is running on multiple ec2 instances without logging into each machine and changing the app?
I think the way to accomplish this is to create a new ami with each new piece of software rolled out. You then build a new launch config for each ami. You then update your scaling group with the new launch config.