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Sharepoint 2010 add a choice field

I have to add a choice field (dropdown) to a sharepoint list. I'm using the SharePoint API in Visual Studio.

Here is me code. I have tried to run this and there are no errors but it doesn't work.

private void addChoiceField(SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties, String _listName, String _fieldName)
            using (SPWeb _web = properties.Feature.Parent as SPWeb)
                    SPList _list = _web.Lists.TryGetList(_listName);
                    writeLog(properties, "list name:" + _listName);
                    SPFieldChoice _fieldDD = (SPFieldChoice)_list.Fields[_fieldName];
                    writeLog(properties, "fieldname:" + _fieldName);
                    if (_fieldName == "State")
                        _fieldDD.Choices.Add("Analyse nodig");
                        _fieldDD.Choices.Add("Onderhandeling of revise");
                        _fieldDD.Choices.Add("Presentatie of demo");
                        _fieldDD.Choices.Add("Voorstel voor prijsofferte");

Does anyone knows what's wrong or how to add a choicefield in a different way using the API?


  • You need to call


    to actually add it to the list instead of trying to pull an existing field from the list.

    Here is a link to the method description: