I m using GData client library of google for picasa photos in my project .i have enable NSZombie setting in EDIT scheme under project so after enabling it console is showing this error "-[__NSDictionaryM countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:]: message sent to deallocated instance " .Piece of code where i m getting this error is
for( GDataEntryPhotoAlbum * entry in [(GDataFeedPhotoUser *)result entries]){
@autoreleasepool {
GRKAlbum * album = [self albumFromGDataEntryPhotoAlbum:entry];
[albums addObject:album];
for more info i have integrated grabKit third party framework in project
I have checked everything is fine regarding memory issues.
I'm the developer of GrabKit. Thanks for using it :)
I have 2 questions :
_ Is your project under ARC ?
_ Does this error disappear when you disable NSZombie ?
Can you also give us a log value of 'entry' before it crashes ?
Thanks for helping on improving GrabKit :)