doesn't seem to be working, I get a "500 Internal Server Error". I tried the same code without the include, putting all the code in one file, and it works. i'm using the web framwork Flask
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
#for $css in $css_sheets
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../$css">
#end for
#for $js in $js_scripts
<script src="../$js"></script>
#end for
#include "header.tmpl"
<p id="x">HELLO</p>
#include "footer.tmpl"
from flask import Flask, redirect, request
from Cheetah.Template import Template
app = Flask(__name__)
css_list = ['css/main.css']
js_list = ['js/main.js']
default_title = 'Default Title'
'css_sheets' : css_list,
'js_scripts' : js_list,
'title' : default_title
def main_route():
return redirect('/index')
def index():
namespace['title']= 'THIS IS THE INDEX'
return render("cheetah/home.tmpl", namespace)
def render(template, context):
"""Helper function to make template rendering less painful."""
return str(Template(file=template, namespaces=[context]))
if __name__ == "__main__":
A secondary question that i have is about the $css and $js variables in header.tmpl:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../$css">
with $css being set to 'css/main.css' works
<link rel="stylesheet" href="$css">
with $css being set to '../css/main.css' fails, it reads it as plain text '$css' instead of getting the value of the variable.
why is that?
The problem was that the path used in the #include
is not relative to the template that calls it (home.tmpl), which i thought was the case, but rather the python file (engine.py) which in this case are not in the same location, so the program was not finding the files i was trying to include.