i am using following function to load latlng of addresses From an array to array about 40, but it stops after 10 iterations.
function loadStoreLatLong(i){
var paddress = store_locations[i]['address'] +','+store_locations[i]['postal_code'] + ', ' +store_locations[i]['district'] + ',' + store_locations[i]['country'];
var pgeocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
pgeocoder.geocode( { 'address': paddress}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
Storelatlong[i] = results[0].geometry.location;
//var t = setTimeout("loadStoreLatLong("+(i)+")",1000);
//jQuery('#map_canvas').text('Loading ... '+i);
i am really stuck there, can any one help to figure it out, when i set time out 1000, this iterates fine 40 time, when i decrease the timeout, iterations also decreases and stop. thanks
The client geocoder is not intended for geocoding lots of points on page load. It is intended for geocoding user entered addresses.
It is asynchronous and is subject to a quota and rate limit. The limits are set up such that you can geocode ~10 points quickly (depending on server load).
You should check the status returned, if it indicates that you are over the limit, delay for a period of time and retry.
See Andrew's answer to this question