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How to get combobox selectedItem value using binding

My Combobox:

 <pmControls:pmComboBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3"  
  SelectedItem="{Binding Applicable_For,Mode=Two Way}" DisplayMemberPath="Applicable_For"

  <pmControls:pmComboBoxItem Content="Parcel" ></pmControls:pmComboBoxItem>
  <pmControls:pmComboBoxItem Content="Property"></pmControls:pmComboBoxItem>


Have Added 2 static items to combobox as parcel and property and want to get these values using binding .

I have given binding to SelectedItem and my binding field is Applicable_For.

Using above code am getting value as null in Applicable_For.

EDIT: I have added Mode=Two Way for Selected Item which I have forgot before.

But not it getting value as namespace like 'PropMgmt.Controls.pmComboBoxItem'

Please Help..


  • Instead of adding static items to combo box you can create a collection for it. for ex. Create class like:

    public class KeyValuePair
        string key;
        public string Key
            get { return key; }
            set { key = value; }
        string value;
        public string Value
            get { return this.value; }
            set { this.value = value; }

    Then in your view model add following code:

            ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair> applicable_For_KeyValues = new ObservableCollection<KeyValuePair>();
            KeyValuePair k1 = new KeyValuePair() { Key = "1", Value = "Parcel" };
            KeyValuePair k2 = new KeyValuePair() { Key = "2", Value = "Property" };

    Then in xaml add following:

    <pmControls:pmComboBox Grid.Row="3" Grid.Column="1" Margin="3" 
     ItemsSource="{Binding Applicable_For_KeyValues}" 
     SelectedValue="{Binding Applicable_For,Mode=TwoWay}" SelectedValuePath="Value">
                    <pmControls:pmComboBox.ItemTemplate >
                            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Value}"></TextBlock>

    Hope this solve your problem.