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Which res folder will be used in 1920*1080 in Android?

FHD(Full HD) is 1920*1080.

Which the res folder would be used in FHD and what's the dpi value should be set?


  • The Smallest width is configured by manufacturer, so it may be varied. For instance, Nexus 7 and Kindle Fire HD both have 1280x800 screen resolution, but the smallest width of N7 is 600dp, while Kindle Fire HD is 533dp.

    Here is a way to calculate this:

    If 480x800 is mdpi(160) for 5 inch device, the screen dpi(screenDPI) of the device with resolution 1080X1920 is 160*(1080/480)=360 (NOTE: manufacturer might change this number). Then the smallestWidth = 1080/(screenDPI/160).

    Use Configuration to find out all the information of the device.