I have code as below:
$dir = opendir("D:/Marcin");
if ($dir) {
echo "OK";
else {
echo "not ok";
and I get not ok, why??
I believe you are trying to open a directory server-side. If you were doing so locally, it would work - as I can see that you are getting the directory from your PC, but instead, you are attempting to execute the script in the client-side, and getting a server-side result.
This means that if that directory doesn't exist on your server, the server will not be able to find the file - and will return false.
At a certain point, you must check whether the directory exists on your server.
localserver === local directory = true;
webserver === web directory = true;
If both of the two are cross-referenced, it will return to false.
$dir = opendir("D:/Marcin"); // Check whether the directory exists on your server.
if ($dir) {
echo "OK";
} else {
echo "Not OK";
Hope this assists.