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Lost in Nodester Installation

I am trying to install my own version of Nodester. I have tried on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and now with CentOS. I am not the most skilled Linux user (~2 months use) so I am at a loss at this point.

The instructions are located at They ask you to "export paths (to make npm work)" with the lines necessary to accomplish this.

cd ~
echo -e "root = ~/.node_libraries\nmanroot = ~/local/share/man\nbinroot = ~/bin" > ~/.npmrc
echo -e "export PATH=3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;\${PATH}:~/bin3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;;" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

I can accomplish all of this until I get to the source ~/.bashrc line. When I run that, I get the following:

[root@MYSERVER ~]# source ~/.bashrc
-bash: /root/.bashrc: line 13: syntax error near unexpected token ';;'
-bash: /root/.bashrc: line 13: 'export PATH=3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;${PATH}:~/bin3d9c7cfd35d3628e0aa233dec9ce9a44d2231afcquot;;

I have tried changing the quot; to " and that didn't help. I tried changing quot; to colons and that didn't help. I also removed that and it didn't help (I am sure many of you at this point are probably wondering why I would even try those things). Does anyone have any insight as to what I need to do to get this to run properly?


  • This looks more like a documentation error than your failing to understand anything. Created issue 409 for it on Github.

    In the meantime, going back through the wiki page's history, I found the following which may help. It certainly looks more reasonable though I won't be able to confirm for some time.

    Export paths (to make npm work):

    > cd ~
    > echo -e "root = ~/.node_libraries\nmanroot = ~/local/share/man\nbinroot = ~/bin" > ~/.npmrc
    > echo -e "export PATH=\"\${PATH}:~/bin\";" >> ~/.bashrc
    > source ~/.bashrc

    From commit d71e66b4c96f04c13467ede5f6469d6d4dd17059